Humanity and Economy at the crossroads lesen Globalisation for the Common Good Initiative l Annual Conference 2012 l Oxford, Great Britain Economy at the crossroads lesen School of Economic and Science l Economics conference 2012 l London, Great Britain Spiritual Culture – a key to the transformation of the world lesen World Forum of Spiritual Culture 2011 l Astana. Kasachstan Globalisation: The Challenge to America lesen Globalization for the Common Good Initiative l Annual Conference 2009 l Chicago, USA Spirituality – the Connecting Link between Religions and Nations lesen 4th Global Symposium: Awakening Planetary Consciousness 2007 l Lucknow, India The Meaning of Spirituality in a Business Context lesen European SPES Forum l Annual Conference 2007 l Leuven, Belgium Artikel Die Fuji Declaration lesen (S. 32) Forum Nachhaltig Wirtschaften l 2015 Die kostbarste Quelle heißt Inspiration lesen 1 lesen 2 Publik-Forum Magazin kritisch, christlich, unabhängig l 2007 Interview Die Klosterherberge hat uns gefunden Seite 6/7 lesen BaldeggerJournal Nr. 22/2012 Reflections on our Pilgrimage into Society lesen Kosmos Journal Links, die ich gerne empfehlen möchte: oralab.ch thegreenpilgrims.ch wedonthavetime.org simpol.org janegoodall.org eradicatingecocide.com foodtank.com goipeace.or.jp coeworld.org GlobalGEA.net |
Für folgende Bücher habe ich das Vorwort geschrieben: Gradido – Natürliche Ökonomie des Lebens l Bernd Hückstädt
Gradido Akademie l Deutschland l 2012 aus meinem Vorwort: "... Im Vergleich zu anderen Büchern zu diesem Thema wird es Ihnen vielleicht so vorkommen, als ob Sie beim Lesen der "Natürlichen Ökonomie des Lebens" einen wunderbaren, freudigen, kreativen Raum betreten. ..." Lesen Sie das kostenlose E-Book. mehr dazu A New Chapter l Dana MrKich
Zeus Publications l Australien l 2008 aus meinem Vorwort: "... In her book, Dana focuses her effort on indicating, that, contrary to all pessimistic scenarios, we are in a position to collectively preserve and ensure the sustained developement of our planet. Individual developement leads to collectivity in human developement. Dana brings it to the point and provides ample proof of why awareness and a new orientation of consciousness are paramount. ..." Reinlesen in Kapitel 2: A World in Transition. Don't Africa Me l C. Paschal Eze
Expertz in Print l USA l 2008 aus meinem Vorwort: "... In all, Paschal's book fantastically brings to the fore how ignorant and uninformed we sometimes are about Africa, and how we erroneously draw conclusions about the continent without getting the facts or even visiting it. Africa is a wonderful continent with tremendous heritage of authentic culture, natural medicine, wisdom and great respect and care for the elderly, among others. One wonders why it is not seen for its wonderful potentials and opportunities. ..." |